
cream of mushroom soup

DIY Condensed Soups

As I started trying to clean up what my family was eating, condensed soup is one of the areas I just didn’t really know how to address aside from avoiding foods that called for condensed soup. I knew that canned goods often leech BPA and other contaminants into their food. And I knew there were ingredients in the condensed soups that I wanted to avoid. But, knowing all of this without having a good solution just left me missing the convenience of casseroles! Then, I learned that I could make my own. So, I tried it and quickly realized how ridiculously quick and easy it is to make condensed soup. Total. game. changer!

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anti-inflammatory food
Healthy Body

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

One of the best ways to fight inflammation in your body does not come from a drug store. Instead, it comes from the grocery store. By simply choosing to incorporate a larger number of anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, you can actually help reduce your risk of illness. However, if you fill your diet with inflammatory foods, you could increase your risk for illness and speed up the inflammatory disease process.

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Healthy Body

The best free at-home exercise videos

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for just about everyone. Yes, even older adults. The type of exercise you participate in is less important than just getting your body moving. Exercise is good for the body, and it’s good for the mind. But, for many, a gym membership is not an option. So, how do you keep it from getting monotonous? By having a good variety to choose from. So, here are my favorite, free, online exercise videos.

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essential oils
Healthy Body

Why Essential Oils Are…Essential

If you’ve done even a small amount of researching online about natural health, chances are that you’ve come across essential oils. Their popularity is ever-growing both in the natural world and even in the traditional medicine world. Essential oils have intrigued me for a long time, so I finally decided to learn more about them. And now I am a Certified Essential Oils Specialist. By no means am I a complete expert, but I have learned a great deal about how essential oils are made, how they work, and why they work. So, here are my thoughts.

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natural remedies for seasonal allergies
Healthy Body

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are no joke. If you know, you know. But they don’t have to make you miserable. There are so many natural solutions you can try from home that are not only more effective than over-the-counter medicines, but also much better for you.

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The Best Green Muffins

When my firstborn started eating solid food, I began searching for healthy recipes that I could make for her. We followed the baby-led weaning method of introducing food and absolutely LOVED it! After we had introduced a wide variety of foods, I wanted to find some things that I could make that were filled with nutrients, easy for a toothless babe to eat, but also easy to make. And these green muffins quickly became one of our favorites.

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forget it 5
Healthy Body

Toxins in Personal Care Products 101

We all use personal care products on a daily basis, even those who consider themselves low maintenance. But, are your products helping or hurting? And how do you know?

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