

Healthy Protein Bites

These peanut butter and chocolate chip protein bites are the perfect things for a quick breakfast, healthy snack. or after-meal treat.

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Air Fryer Pumpkin Donut Holes

If you’re looking for a simple, quick, and delicious breakfast that is also healthy, then look no further! These pumpkin donut holes are divine! They

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Pumpkin Scones

One of my favorite things about the cooler weather months is that I get to bake more. Baking is my therapy…it makes me happy and

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cream of mushroom soup

DIY Condensed Soups

As I started trying to clean up what my family was eating, condensed soup is one of the areas I just didn’t really know how to address aside from avoiding foods that called for condensed soup. I knew that canned goods often leech BPA and other contaminants into their food. And I knew there were ingredients in the condensed soups that I wanted to avoid. But, knowing all of this without having a good solution just left me missing the convenience of casseroles! Then, I learned that I could make my own. So, I tried it and quickly realized how ridiculously quick and easy it is to make condensed soup. Total. game. changer!

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The Best Green Muffins

When my firstborn started eating solid food, I began searching for healthy recipes that I could make for her. We followed the baby-led weaning method of introducing food and absolutely LOVED it! After we had introduced a wide variety of foods, I wanted to find some things that I could make that were filled with nutrients, easy for a toothless babe to eat, but also easy to make. And these green muffins quickly became one of our favorites.

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condensed cream soups

Homemade Condensed Soup Recipes

If you love casseroles but wish there was a way to make them healthier, then you’re in luck! Making your own condensed soup is not only much better for you, but it’s also super quick and easy, using ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen!

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Simple Homemade Granola

I love granola. I eat homemade yogurt almost every morning with fresh fruit, and I absolutely love topping it with granola. But buying granola at the store can be kinda expensive. And even the “healthy” varieties still have extra ingredients added to extend the shelf life. And I often find them overly sweet. As someone who tries to avoid these unnecessary ingredients and sweeteners, I went on a search for the perfect (but also easy) homemade granola. AND I FOUND IT!

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Instant Pot Yogurt (Dairy-Free + Vegan Options)

Instant Pot Yogurt is so easy to make you’ll never want to buy it again. The best part is you get to control the ingredients, which makes it great for special diets or allergies. Check out these three different options (regular, dairy-free, and vegan) for making your very own yogurt.

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