
7 Tips to Achieve Your Goals

I’ve never really been one for setting new year’s resolutions. I am, however, a huge proponent of setting goals throughout the year. I don’t think you should have to wait until January 1 to start over, or start something new. That being said, there is something about the beginning of a new year that feels like a clean slate to many. It has a way of prompting us to analyze the past and look ahead to the future. So, whether you’re one who sets goals at the beginning of the year, or throughout the year, I believe these tips will help you along the way to achieving those goals.

1. Don't be afraid to dream big

Go ahead, make your goals a little scary. I think we often limit ourselves when setting goals because a big goal can be kind of intimidating. And, big goals require us to step outside our comfort zone, which is also scary. But, once you set those initial nerves aside, big goals have so much potential. The potential to motivate you to keep taking steps forward, the potential to bring others alongside you for encouragement and support, the potential to even motivate others to join you in setting those big goals. And, once achieved, they propel you forward with an incredible momentum that cannot be matched.

2. Make the goal specific

Ambiguous goals are hard to set in motion, and they’re hard to gauge progress. A good goal must be measurable with terms that can be tracked. So, instead of a goal to lose weight, for example, set a specific goal like losing 20 pounds or reaching a specific clothing size. Or, instead of setting a professional goal to learn a new skill, set a deadline or specific details on how you will learn the new skill.

3. Break it into smaller steps

One of the best ways to make those big, scary goals feel attainable is to break them up into smaller steps. We’ll call these the short-term goals that will lead you to the long-term goal. These smaller steps allow you to focus on the next piece of the puzzle and help keep the goal from feeling overwhelming. For my list makers

to do list

out there, this also gives you extra items to check off, which we know how satisfying and motivating that can be. If you know, you know.

4. Consider your "why"

I can’t tell you how important this piece is. Having a “why” behind your goal is one of the best things that will keep you motivated when it gets hard. And, trust me, if your goal is big enough it will get hard. And when it does, having a “why” to go back to will be a game changer. Your “why” can be anything: your family, a desire to travel, financial freedom, you name it. And, your “why” can be multiple things. The important piece of your “why” is that it is the driving factor behind your goal. It’s personal, inspiring, and motivating.

5. Commit yourself

There’s something magical that happens in our minds when we formally commit to something. This could look like writing it down, posting it somewhere, or getting accountability or support. Think about it…something as simple as a hand shake is used all over the world to seal the deal. It’s simple, but it’s powerful because of how it solidifies something in our brain. And, by posting your goal somewhere you will see it regularly, you’re able to keep it in the forefront of your mind so when life gets busy or hectic, you don’t let it slip.

6. Learn from the past

Have you attempted this goal before, or something similar, and failed? Maybe you feel as though your past failures resemble this target. Take heart and consider each attempt a step in the right direction. Take some time to consider why you haven’t stuck with it in the past, or why you didn’t achieve the results you wanted. 


Avoid repeating past failures by determining what factors were working against you. Then, take some steps to remove those obstacles. If committing to 30 minutes of exercise is just not working out, aim for 20 minutes, or even 10 if that’s where you need to start. If your goal is to speak nicer to your children when they are on your last nerve but you still find yourself reacting instead of responding, then what piece is missing to help you respond better?

7. Celebrate the small victories along the way

This is so vital! We can’t be so focused on the end result that we forget to celebrate the along the way. It’s these small celebrations that keep us motivated to keep going. And, let’s not forget, it’s not about perfection. Looking back up to that target, celebrate the fact that you hit the target and your arrow didn’t land in the grass or hit an innocent bystander! If you stray a bit, but then get back on track, that is a small victory to celebrate. Pat yourself on the back and encourage yourself to keep pursuing your goals, and ask those around you to do the same.

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