indoor air

How Breathing Could Harm Your Health

Fresh air. There’s something so magical about filling your lungs with it. It’s so refreshing when you can get out into nature to experience genuine fresh air. I don’t know about you, but I don’t get out into nature as often as I’d like to get that genuine fresh air. Which is even more reason why it’s so important to be intentional about protecting our indoor air quality. You see, the air quality within our indoor spaces is often not as clean or fresh as we think, or as we would like.

When you take into consideration that most people are indoors 80% of the time, this becomes an issue that deserves attention. Especially when over the past year or so, it’s fair to assume that percentage is even higher. Our homes are supposed to be the place where we are safe. But, what if your home is poisoning your body instead? Indoor air is one of the hidden culprits causing health issues in many people.

What is indoor air pollution?

The air within our homes can actually be filled with many different toxic substances. These air pollutants are present in much higher concentrations because indoor areas are often enclosed and less ventilated. This means it is easy for air pollutants to enter your home (or your office), but it’s very difficult to get them out! The health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure, or even potentially years later. Especially as the pollutants continue to add to your body burden, possibly causing additional health concerns over time.

So, I’d like to share 7 simple, and budget-friendly ways that you can improve your indoor air quality, whether it be in your home, office space, or elsewhere.

Get houseplants

Yes, you heard me. Adding a nice little bit of nature to your décor not only makes your space feel more homey, but it also improves your air quality. There are certain plants that help in the removal of pollutants and VOCs like formaldehyde, among other things. For more information on this, along with the best plants for your indoor spaces, check out How Plants Could Save Your Life.

indoor air

Dust often

Did you know that there are 45 chemicals that can be found in the dust particles floating around in our homes?! Yikes! Keep these toxins away by dusting regularly! And on that subject, skip dusting sprays. Not only do they add even more toxins in to your air (and body), but they actually require you to dust more often. Who wants that?! Dusting sprays leave a residue on your surface that pulls the dust right back down. Instead, opt for a quality microfiber duster like this one. It’s hands down my favorite. Truly better than anything I’ve ever tried. The dust is pulled off and trapped into the microfiber, and stays away significantly longer! Win-win! Plus, the mitt doubles as a window screen cleaner, hair picker-upper, and more!

Diffuse essential oils

It has been proven that by diffusing essential oils in a room for even just 5 minutes will allow the oils to kill off bacteria and stop its growth for the next 60 minutes. Some of my favorites for helping clean the air due to their antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and disinfectant properties are: Clove, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Oregano, Lemon, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Cinnamon, and On Guard. Don’t have a diffuser? You can even place a few drops in a bowl of warm water and let the bowl sit in the room you spend the most time in. For more info on the benefits of diffusing essential oils, and to get a list of my favorite diffuser blends, check out Why Essential Oils are…Essential.

Use activated charcoal

Activated charcoal has been used in filters to purify air and water for a long time. You’ve probably even noticed it starting to appear in personal care products. Charcoal is odorless and is highly absorbent, which makes it really effective at eliminating toxins and odors from your home. Activated bamboo charcoal is an affordable alternative. You can find both in pouches or bags that can be hung or placed around your home, office, in your car, gym bag, or shoes! This set comes with 5 pouches to place where you need them, and comes with a lifetime guarantee. A great, natural, and pet-friendly way to eliminate odors!

Use a salt crystal lamp

Himalayan Pink Salt lamps are a perfect way to cleanse the air around you. Himalayan pink salt is a known air purifier that pulls toxins from the environment and neutralizes them, helping to reduce airborne irritants, allergens, and pathogens by pulling water vapor out of the air. It works best when turned on, but the salt lamps also work even when off simply because of the

indoor air

salt crystal’s natural abilities. You can get a quality plug-in lamp like this for minimal cost, or even plug-in night lights like these.

Clean your home regularly

While this might seem obvious, it actually makes a huge difference. We’re not just talking wiping down counters and toilets though. Everything from vacuuming carpets, rugs, window coverings, and upholstery, to washing your sheets, towels, and even pillows regularly. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Additionally, you want to make sure you’re regularly cleaning or replacing the filters on your A/C, heater, furnace, and vacuum cleaner. As a side note, avoid traditional spray cleaners. Chemical-based cleaners release toxins into the air that will attach onto those dust particles we mentioned before. Instead, clean with a high quality microfiber and water or essential oils.

Keep your home well-ventilated

Particularly the kitchen (especially if you cook with natural gas) and rooms with electronics.  Electronics do something called off-gassing, which releases toxic gases into the air that were trapped in the device or materials during production. This greatly compromises the quality of your indoor air. Open windows when you can, but also use your exhaust ventilation and run the fan of your A/C on “auto” mode to avoid humidity that could cause mold.

So, there you have it. Indoor air pollution is something we need to take seriously. And, thankfully, it’s fairly easy to do so. Like I always say, pick just one or two of the above to implement and start making a difference in your home. Don’t get overwhelmed. Just get started!

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