dry shampoo

Non-Toxic DIY Dry Shampoo

Can I tell you a secret? I don’t wash my hair every day. I don’t even wash my hair every week. It’s not because I’m lazy, it’s because my hair doesn’t need to be washed that often. Does that sound shocking to you? Do you want to know the secret behind my ability to go 2-3 weeks between washings? Well, my friend, it’s two things: hair training and dry shampoo. That’s it!

Hair Training

When I started training my hair several years ago, I was washing my hair 2-3 times a week. Over time, I gradually increased the amount of time between washings. About a year or two ago I had stalled out at two weeks. No matter what I tried, I could NOT get my hair to go any longer between washings without it looking like a big ole greasy mess. I had heard all the success stories from people who used dry shampoo to go a little longer between washings, but had never jumped on the bandwagon. Partially out of the expense, but mostly because all of the dry shampoos I had seen on the market were filled with the toxic ingredients that I was trying to avoid. It just wasn’t worth it to me to go a few more days if it meant subjecting my body to those toxins.

Dry Shampoo

And then it dawned on me…

Duh, Kristi…why don’t you try making your own dry shampoo?! So that’s what I did. I found a recipe that uses ingredients I already had in my home along with the addition of some essential oils for added benefits and a yummy (but non-toxic) scent. I mixed it up, gave it a shot, and the rest is history. We’re talking love at first sight. It worked like a charm, it was super simple to whip up, and affordable! And, the best part? That week was the first time that I was able to stretch my hair washing from two weeks to three weeks.

Game. Changer.

So, I’m going to share a few different recipes below that range from super-duper-blow-your-mind-simple to few-more-ingredients-but-still-crazy-simple. All effective, all affordable, and all using clean ingredients. Most of the recipes use essential oils. Essential oils are fantastic for your hair. I’ve included my top 10 favorite oils for your hair and scalp below. If you like a recipe, but don’t have some of the recommended oils, you can use any of the below, or skip them altogether if needed. But I would definitely use oils if you have them (or get them!) because they will add so much nutrients and health to your hair and scalp! Just make sure they’re 100% pure essential oils, and you can’t always know that just because the labels says it’s so. Do your research, friend. For more information on how to determine if your oils are pure, check out this post.

10 oils for hair

10 Essential oils for hair and scalp health


One of the best essential oils when it comes to promoting hair thickness and growth, preventing baldness, slowing the graying process, and treating dandruff and dry scalp. Rosemary can also help strengthen fragile or brittle hair and treat split ends.


Helps stimulate hair follicles by increasing the circulation to the scalp. It can help promote hair growth and slow the rate of hair loss, treat thinning hair, soothe and heal itchy or flaky scalp, treat split ends, and can be help with various forms of alopecia. Cedarwood can also help to keep skin looking healthy, reduce skin irritations, and repel bugs (hello summertime!).


Studies have shown that Lavender oil has properties that support hair growth. It also has antimicrobial properties, is soothing to the scalp, can treat split ends, and can help with dry, itchy, or flaky scalp and hair. An added bonus is Lavender oil’s ability to soothe emotions like stress (which can contribute to hair loss).

Tea Tree

Has natural cleansing properties that can fight fungus and bacteria, which will help unclog hair follicles, nourish the roots, treat scalp conditions and irritations, treat greasy or oily hair, and treat or prevent dandruff.


Can promote hair growth, helps stimulate the scalp, can help with greasy or oily hair, and can treat dandruff and lice due to its antiseptic properties. It’s natural cooling and energizing properties can help reduce skin inflammation, energize the mind, boost the mood, and relieve tension or headaches.


Has both cleansing and purifying properties that help with dry skin and dandruff, as well as the ability to help with tension and mood


Is a natural cleanser and deodorizer, has healing properties, can strengthen hair follicles, soothe an itchy or irritated scalp, and help reduce dandruff. Lemongrass is another oil that is a great natural bug repellant (summertime must-have) and can help with stress, a common cause of hair loss.


A great oil for hair as it adds shine and softness while also soothing the scalp. It can also be used as a natural way to lighten your hair.

Clary Sage

Can help strengthen fragile or brittle hair, promote hair growth, treat split ends.


Can rid the scalp of impurities and residual styling products without drying out the hair or scalp. Grapefruit also promotes hair growth and helps rejuvenate the hair.

I promise the recipes are coming shortly! But first, here’s my DIY Dry Shampoo. I’m currently following the Dry Shampoo #3 recipe. This most recent time I chose to use the following oils: Tea Tree, Rosemary, Grapefruit, and Lemongrass. It smells heavenly! I have what you might consider dark blonde hair, so I use a little cocoa powder, but not the full amount recommended for dark hair. I’d say I used a little less than 1/4 of the amount recommended. If you triple the recipe it should be enough to just about fill a 14 ounce bottle.

Pro tip: mix the ingredients in a big bowl and then use a spoon and funnel to get the dry shampoo into your glass container. And maybe try not to make a huge mess like I did, ha!

dry shampoo mixing

Finished product. Isn’t she lovely?!

So, are you ready for those recipes? I bet your hair is.

Get your notepad ready for this first one…

Dry Shampoo #1


Arrowroot powder


That’s it! Sprinkle on roots and massage into hair and scalp.

Pro Tip:

The rest of the recipes are slightly more involved, but still super simple. You’ll want a glass bottle to store your dry shampoo in. I purchased these because I wanted a bigger size (to prevent me from having to remake the dry shampoo as often), but these are also a great affordable option. The big key is you want it with a lid that gives the bottle an air tight seal to prevent the essential oils from evaporating.

Dry Shampoo #2


For light hair:

1/4 cup arrowroot powder

2 drops Lavender essential oil

2 drops Rosemary essential oil


For dark hair:

2 Tbsp arrowroot powder

2 Tbsp cocoa powder

2 drops Lavender essential oil

2 drops Rosemary essential oil


Put arrowroot powder, cocoa powder (if using), and essential oils into food processor and pulse until well combined. If you do not have a food processor, make sure to stir ingredients together well. You can use any of the above referenced essential oils, just make sure to use a total of 4 drops. Store in glass jar. I love storing my dry shampoo in these because they seal to protect the ingredients and prevent the essential oils from evaporating, but also allow you to sprinkle onto your hair. If you do not have a sprinkle dispenser, you could also apply to your roots and oily areas using an old makeup brush. Once applied, massage into your scalp and then let sit for a 2-3 minutes to absorb the hair’s natural oils and then brush.

Dry Shampoo #3


1/4 cup cornstarch
1 Tbsp baking soda
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (dark hair only)
2 drops Tangerine essential oil
2 drops Cedarwood essential oil
1 drop Tea Tree essential oil


Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl or food processor. You can use any of the above referenced essential oils, just make sure to use a total of 5 drops. Once thoroughly mixed, place in a container of your choice, such as an empty saltshaker. I love storing my dry shampoo in these because they seal to protect the ingredients and prevent the essential oils from evaporating, but also allow you to sprinkle onto your hair. If you do not have a sprinkle dispenser, you could also apply to your roots and oily areas using an old makeup brush. Once applied, massage into your scalp and then let sit for a 2-3 minutes to absorb the hair’s natural oils and then brush.

If you prefer a spray-on dry shampoo, then this one is for you…

Dry Shampoo Spray


4 Tbsp 99% isopropyl alcohol

4 Tbsp distilled water

1 tsp powdered calcium carbonate

5 drops Rosemary essential oil


Use a funnel to pour all ingredients into a four-ounce glass spray bottle. You can use any of the above referenced essential oils, just make sure to use a total of 5 drops. I recommend using a glass spray bottle with a pump head like this to avoid clogging (plus you can lock the pump on these!!). Twist the lid back on and shake the ingredients together well. Shake before each use as the calcium carbonate will need to be reincorporated with the alcohol and water. Spray mixture onto roots and then comb through hair.

Note: the Rosemary essential oil could be swapped out with any of the other above recommended oils, or any combination adding to 5 drops.

Pick a recipe and give it a shot! Comment below with the oil combination you chose to use.

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