Optimizing Digestion: The Power of Food Sequencing

Eating a well-balanced diet is important, but it’s not enough. The order in which you eat that food can take your health to the next level. There are many benefits to eating your food in the right order: ensuring your body gets nutrients, feeling fuller so you eat less, and managing blood sugar levels. It’s called food sequencing and it’s a simple tweak you can make in your mealtimes that will support your body in a powerful way.

What's the optimal order?

  1. Greens and low-starch vegetables
  2. Protein
  3. Fiber and healthy fats
  4. Complex carbohydrates

Benefits of food sequencing

Weight management or loss

Starting your meal with veggies, proteins, and fat-rich foods promotes feelings of satiety and prevents overeating. It also helps you receive the nutrients to feel energized and not deprived despite eating less food.

Promote a well-balanced diet

Food sequencing ensures that you are eating nutrient-rich foods first to give your body the nutrients it needs.

Manage blood sugar levels

Eating low-glycemic foods first allows your body to begin slowly converting those foods into sustainable energy. These foods exit the stomach at a slower pace, slowing down the delivery of glucose and other nutrients into your bloodstream. On the contrary, simple carbohydrates are metabolized much faster and converted into sugars (glucose), resulting in blood sugar spiking.

Decrease wear and tear on the body

Each time your blood sugar levels spike or dip, it causes extra wear and tear on your body. By helping minimize dips and spikes, you’re supporting your long-term health.

Bonus tip

Eat protein and/or a healthy fat with every meal or snack! For example, don’t just grab an apple, grab an apple with a handful of nuts or a spoonful of nut butter.

Note: to get the most from your fruits and vegetables, is eating organic necessary? Read more here.

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