
Toxic Load: the Hidden Danger to Children

I previously shared in my article on Body Burden,  the results of some studies that have been conducted. These studies prove that children’s bodies are introduced to toxic chemicals before they even leave the womb. But, why are babies and children more susceptible to body burden, also known as toxic load?

Until recently, scientists believed that the placenta would protect a developing baby. The belief was that the placenta acted as a filter, protecting the baby’s cord blood from receiving chemicals and pollutants from its mother. But, unfortunately, they were wrong. We now know that in addition to carrying the nutrients needed for development, the baby’s cord blood also transfers things like chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides that reach the placenta from the mother. In fact, these contaminants cross through the placenta as easily as contaminants from cigarettes and alcohol. Knowing this, it’s no wonder the issue of toxic load is growing rapidly…even in children!

Why children are most vulnerable to toxic load

We are all susceptible to the impact of toxic load. But, children unfortunately carry the brunt of that burden. Here are the main reasons why.

  • Children’s bodies are still developing and, therefore, more vulnerable to the harmful effects of chemical exposure.
  • Their chemical exposure is greater than it would be for an adult on a pound-for-pound basis.
  • Children consume more food and beverages, and inhale a greater amount of air than adults on a pound-for-pound basis. This gives them a great risk of exposure to toxins.
  • More chemicals reach a child’s organs because they have fewer proteins to bind the chemicals.
  • A child’s blood-brain barrier is more porous and, therefore, causes the developing brain to be exposed to more chemicals.
  • The systems that would typically detoxify the body and get rid of these chemicals are undeveloped.
  • Children generally have more life ahead of them, giving more time for the negative effects from chemical exposure to develop.
  • Children touch everything…and we all know where their fingers often end up!

The effects

Many childhood diseases (like smallpox and polio) have become much more manageable in the past few decades. However, other health issues, often with less obvious sources, have taken their place. You’ll notice in the chart below an increase in asthma, ADD, and ADHD, along with many other very concerning changes.

increase in health issues

Are we seeing yet how serious of a issue toxic load is for our children?! For a number of reasons, it’s difficult to know the cause of these increases. Even scientists can’t fully explain it. However, exposure to environmental toxins at a young age is a leading suspect. I mean, think about it. The number of products we use and consume that have harsh chemicals in them has significantly multiplied. You can find toxic ingredients in just about every product category from food and drinks to personal care products, cleaning products, textiles, toys, etc. How could this NOT have an impact on our health!

Please know that in no way do I want to seem insensitive to the many people that have personally experienced any of the above. My heart truly aches for anyone touched by disease, infertility, or any other source of grief or hardship. My desire is merely to share what I’m learning in the hopes of encouraging and empowering you to know how to move forward in a safer, healthier manner.

So, now what?

As always, I don’t want to point out all these problems without proposing some solutions that you can easily implement. I shared 15 tips in this post on body burden, but here are a few more that will directly impact your little ones.

Avoid traditional room and air fresheners

Yes, this includes most candles. They’re filled with toxic ingredients. Once you breathe it in, those toxins start circulating throughout your body. I promise, there are more natural ways to deal with that dirty diaper smell! Consider diffusing some essential oils that are known to be cleansing to the air. Some of my favorite oils for cleaning the air due to their antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and disinfectant properties are: Clove, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Oregano, Lemon, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Purify and On Guard. And remember, not all essential oils are created equal…even those labeled “100% pure.”

Clean your floors often avoid using chemicals to do so

Kids are on the floor all the time…and have no “gross factor” to all the germs and contaminants lingering there. Our feet drag in a plethora of contaminants. But that’s not it. Airborne contaminants can settle on the ground, and other substances may get dropped on the ground that we may not even realize. Again, there are some amazing (and very effective) ways to clean your floor in a safe manner. I personally love this mop system. It uses just water, and I like to add a little bit of doTERRA On Guard or Lemon oil to the water for a safe and clean scent.

Be intentional about what laundry products you use

The leading brand of baby detergent is rated an “F” for safety. Find a laundry detergent and stain remover that are both safe and effective. And, don’t just go based on what the product’s package says. Companies like to use the right terminology to confuse consumers and make their product look better than it really is. It’s called greenwashing and it’s a major problem. Additionally, swap out your dryer sheets with wool dryer balls. If you are curious about the safety rating of your current products, search them here. I was shocked when I looked up what I was previously using.

Swap traditional cleaning products for safer alternatives

It IS possible to find cleaning products that are both safe AND effective. But please be careful. Many products that market themselves as green and clean really aren’t. Sound familiar? Greenwashing is not only a major problem with laundry products, but also other cleaning products (and even personal care products…keeping reading for that one). Without bashing specific brands, please know that there are several brands on the market that MANY people buy (and pay more money for) that they think are safer but really aren’t. Do your due diligence! In our home, we clean with Norwex microfiber and doTERRA essential oils and I couldn’t be happier! If you ever need help looking at the ingredients list on a product to know if it’s safe, please feel free to reach out to me!

Take a deeper look at your personal care products

At the risk of sounding redundant, be careful what personal care products you use on your little ones. Many soaps and lotions are filled with harsh chemicals. This is another huge area where greenwashing is a legit problem. A great resource to check the safety rating of products is the “Think Dirty” app. Or you can always reach out to me and I’d be happy to look at a product with you! We have loved bathing our children with just high quality microfiber and water. These cloths are made for your skin and work amazing!! It’s much better for their skin and replaces soaps that have toxic ingredients. We’ve even noticed less need for lotion because it’s soap that typically dries out your skin.

baby bath
Now, if you have followed me for very long you may know what's coming next...

Please don’t get overwhelmed!! The topic of toxic load in children is a very serious issue that requires attention. That being said, you do not need to make changes in all of these areas right now. Pick one or two areas that feel manageable and start there. No real change happens when we take on too much, too fast. So, do your best and make small (but lasting) changes. You can do it! And, as always, I’m here if you have any questions!

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