
What to look for in a probiotic

The importance of gut health

It may sound counterintuitive to put bacteria IN our bodies, but doing so is actually a good thing…if it’s the right bacteria. Not all bacteria are bad. In fact, many are actually necessary for good health, particularly a healthy microbiome. When your gut microbiome is healthy, it’s equipped to discern the difference between good bacteria and bad bacteria. This helps it stay balanced so it can do what it’s designed to do: keep you healthy. When 70-80% of your immune system resides in your gut, it’s important for your gut to be healthy! Your health literally relies on a balanced gut microbiome.

There are all kinds of things that can cause our gut microbiome to become imbalanced: diet, antibiotics, lack of movement, stress, and more. By making healthy lifestyle choices, you can support a balanced gut. But, life happens and even with healthy lifestyle choices in place, many of us still find ourselves with gut issues. So, what can we do to further support a healthy gut?

The solution

Two things that have been a significant game changer for my gut health are a quality probiotic and digestive enzyme supplement. We are going to dive into what to look for in a probiotic. Learn more about digestive enzymes, how they support gut health, and what to look for here.


What to look for in a probiotic

Not all probiotics are created equally. Here’s a few key factors to consider when looking for a good probiotic. The probiotic I used is the best out there and is the only one I’m aware of that passes each of these conditions with flying colors.

Colony-forming units (number of bacteria per dose)

It’s not a probiotic if it doesn’t contain live and active bacterial cultures. The colony-forming units (CFUs) indicate the number of bacteria you’ll receive in each dose. Look for a minimum of 1 billion CFUs, but the more the merrier. My probiotic has 18 billion. Just to be clear, that’s really good!

Types of bacterial strains that are used

Within the goal of at least 1 billion, you want to also have strain diversity. Some strains promote the increase of good bacteria strains while inhibiting bad bacteria. Other strains support digestion to avoid bloating or discomfort or stimulate the immune system. The probiotic I recommend (and use personally) actually supports not only the gut microbiome, but the whole body: gut, immune system, cardiovascular health, oral health, mood, sleep, brain function, and more. Learn more about each strain here.

Surviving the stomach acid

This is crucial for a probiotic. Since probiotics are taken by mouth, their efficacy is dependent on how well they can survive the acidic environment of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The highest quality probiotic will be proven to pass through your stomach still intact and enter into the intestines where nutrients are absorbed. There is where it will offer the most benefit and healing. My probiotic has a patented double encapsulation and is proven to survive the stomach acid in order to reach the lower intestinal tract. That’s a rare find!

If you’re looking for a probiotic that will support your body in a powerful and effective way, look no future. Use this link to get 25% off the best probiotic and digestive enzymes out there, or message me for personalized recommendations.

P.S. There’s a kids’ option too! Actually, just an option for anyone who doesn’t like pills. You can even take both for added benefit, or alternate between the two, as they have different strains.

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